Where do you need to give yourself the freedom to DEEElight? Read on as Robyn Dykstra shares her own post-Easter freedom.
That Tree!
By Robyn Dykstra
I had every intention of taking down my Christmas tree before Easter, I really did, but ... it's still up ... and lit.
Yup, up and lit. And, yes, I know that's weird.
I'm always the last one on the block to dismantle the tree, but we had a wild winter in Michigan this year. Our snow came late, and it never quit coming. We got 2" the second week of April!
Every time I thought about taking the tree down, we got a fresh snowfall and it was so pretty, I put the kettle on, cranked up the Christmas tunes and sat in the glow of those twinkling lights praying through my quiet time, studying my Bible in quiet reflection or enjoying the memories of recent and past holidays.
We laughed about having it up on Valentine's Day. By St. Patrick's Day, I was used to it.
At Easter I thought, It might be time, but I was too busy breaking my Lenten television fast to deal with it.
So, here we are, the week after Easter and my tree is still up. It's not that I was too busy to take it down. It's not that I didn't know any better. I left it up because it brings me delight.
Maybe your thing is taking the tree down on 12/26. Maybe it's having blue hair. Maybe it's homeschooling. Maybe it's training to run marathons.
Each of us has something that delights us and brings us joy or satisfaction. A practice that is unique to us.
What lacks appeal for me like blue hair, homeschooling, or running anywhere might be just the thing that draws you closer to God.
There are the usual spiritual disciplines like Bible reading, prayer walks, Bible study, and quiet times that are important to integrate into our schedule for spiritual growth.
Let's also leave open the possibility of experiencing God as we delight in the unique expressions of ourselves that he created for us and in us to bring us unexpected joy and delight.
Without judging others or "shoulding" on yourself, embrace what your thing is. One of mine is leaving the Christmas tree up until Easter. What is your peculiar but delightful activity or idiosyncrasy that draws you closer to God?
For we are God's masterpiece. He has created us anew in Christ Jesus, so we can do the good things he planned for us long ago. Ephesians 2:10 (NLT)
Robyn Dykstra is a captivating retreat speaker and author of The Widow Wore Pink, A True Story of Life After Loss and the Transforming Power of a Loving God. Robyn lives to tell other women about Jesus through Bible teaching and storytelling. Robyn and Dave, her husband of 17 years, live and worship in Grand Rapids, MI.
At left, Robyn and Dave in April with their Christmas tree!