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Is She for Real?

One morning I pulled back the covers, shook the previous night's melatonin from my mind, and padded toward coffee. I headed to my...

Get Your Grateful Going

In our family, I’ve been partial to the Thanksgiving craft of hand-made turkeys. You know, where you trace your around your hand on a...

Listen to the Cheer, Not the Hiss

So what voices are you listening to in your life? Have you been listening to "The Hiss"? Not sure? Lorilee Craker takes us for Round Two...

God Uses Everything

I would never want to lose one baby to gain another. No way. And yet, this week I'm wondering about how loss can enlarge our capacity to...

Brave Enough to Exhale

For so many years of my life, "rest" was just a four-letter-word. One that beckoned me into the "bad" of inactivity. Nicole Unice,...

Does Appearance Matter?

Do you color your hair? Why? Or why not? I color mine - two colors! Regular brown and irregular platinum. The platinum is a nod to where...

The Hiss

In my most stripped down, honest moments I realize that I rarely really believe God's pronouncement of "good" over me. More quickly I...

The Tarnish of Hypocrisy

Most of us struggle to see ourselves the way God does: beauty full. Where we get stuck is on the "why." Friend Judy Douglass, who...

Fast Enough?

Are you a runner? Once upon a time I was. Or at least I ran. I wasn't great at running - my legs are too short to have a pretty stride....

Hello, Beauty Full

This moment. When I found myself asking - really asking - if I believed God loves me and sees me as beautiful. I punched open my garage...

Loving Your Body - Even When It's Hard

Sometimes I like my body. Make that occasionally I like my body. And sometimes I’m uber embarrased by it. The crepe paper skin above my...

Through a Cracked and Clouded Lens

What do you see when you look in the mirror? My friend Nicole Mills has been through a lot. And through her journey, God has given her...

She Said, He Said

Ever get stuck between the contrasting voices in your life - and which you choose to heed? Like every ten seconds? Yup. Me too. That's...

Mother Loss

I lost my mother over twenty-six years ago. One of my dearest friends lost her mother a week ago. I was thirty-four. My friend is...

Your Place in the Story

What we think about ourselves impacts how we act. My friend Carolyn reminds me of that - the significance of being an image-bearer and...

The Beauty of Broken

Most of us don’t want to talk about the not-so-pretty stuff of life. We’d rather focus on loveliness. Hued sunsets. Tinted leaves. Indigo...

Soul Spinning

I've never viewed myself as a big worrier. Until those moments when I notice myself cycling over and over the same concern, making zero...

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