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Get More! Stuck

Welcome to the Stuck Issue "Get More" page! Here you can access all the rich media content to deepen your reading experience!

"Getting Unstuck"

with Dale Hanson Bourke

Questions to prod your personal thinking and processing or for use in group discussion and are arranged by article title.


“I’m Stuck”


1. MaryKate writes, “Stuckness is not a test from God or simply our fault (we almost always have a part to play, but rarely are stuck situations the result of one person).” How does this sentence broaden your understanding of being stuck?

2. Jesus was stuck in the desert and in the Garden of Gethsemene. How does knowing Jesus got stuck encourage you to move through your own “stuckness”?

3. Prayer and reflection are two tools to help create movement when you are at an impasse. Are there situations in your life today where they could be used to get you moving again?

4. How can you wrestle through your personal disappointments–where there seems to be no way out–at the throne of grace?

5. “These stuck places become an opportunity for digging deep and stretching out so that we are more like Christ,” says MaryKate. How can you dig deep and stretch out this week in an area you’re stuck?

6. In Elisa’s column, “My Fill,” she offers several steps to getting unstuck from Jeremiah 6:16. Take some time to process through each step: Stand. Look. Ask. Walk. Find rest.

“The Work of Our Hands”


1. Work is biblical. How does this knowledge affect how you view your own work?

2. How can we take the skills and abilities God has given us and use them to share his love in our work?

3. If a “woman’s work is never done” is true, then how do we keep our work from spilling over into other areas of our lives in an unhealthy way?

4. Diane writes, “The work of our hands matters, whether paid or not, because it gives us the opportunity to place ourselves in God’s hands to be transformed in specific and powerful ways.” How have you been transformed by your work, paid or not? And how can you be a catalyst in others’ transformations?

”Stop, Look and Listen”


1. Cindy says that, “Sometimes it is not the leaders from whom I learn the most. I admire women who are centered, good listeners, wise, manage up, empower others and can speak the truth in love.” How do you do personally in each of the areas? Which is a “growth edge” for you?

2. In regard to getting unstuck, Cindy notes, “Sometimes I imagine I am past the crisis or the situation and actually try to look back at it. I imagine the solution I hope to see.” If this is a idea for you, how could it help you the next time you’re personally stuck?

3. Do you find global needs overwhelming or challenging when you think about them? And which of the issues that Cindy mentioned speaks most loudly to your heart? What one step can you take to address it?

"Who's She?"

with Donna Shepherd

Each issue of FullFill contains surprise tidbits ranging from ideas for organization, trend tips, recipes, little-known facts to who knows what!



Surprisingly, the secular world has much to teach us about getting unstuck. Dr. Timothy Butleris Senior Fellow of Business Administration and Director of Career Development Programs at the Harvard Business School and has worked as a psychologist, psychotherapist, and career counselor for over twenty-five years. Read what he has to say about the six stages of being stuck:

Use two free exercises Dr. Butler offers for getting unstuck:


"Other Ways You Can Make A Difference: Chicktime"


Recommended Websites

Helpful web links are available for each issue of FullFill and are arranged by article author.



“I’m Stuck”

“Stop, Look and Listen”

“Think” Carolyn Custis James;

“Worldly Women” Shayne Moore

“My Fill” Elisa Morgan

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